Big Pole Estates has an Architectural Review process that implements the CC&Rs.  The CC&Rs establish the requirements for building a home in Big Pole Estates. An Architectural Review Document is available to provide more definition to home design as well as for other projects. Big Pole Estates has an Architectural Review Committee that performs plan reviews and provides assistance to a future homeowner to understand and interpret the CC&Rs if needed.   These regulations also govern the construction of outbuildings, fences, solar systems, and wind turbines.

When a lot owner wishes to build their new home, a set of plans must be submitted to the HOA President.  He/she will perform a cursory review for completeness and once deemed complete, the plans will be forwarded to the Architectural Review Committee for their detailed review.  Once the plan set is reviewed, the applicant will be notified that the plans are acceptable or that revisions are required.  The review cycle is usually less than two weeks, however, if the plans or the associated materials of construction questionnaire is not complete, this review process may take additional time.

Other projects follow a similar procedure as summarized above.  However, review and approval will usually be more expedient.

The following documents are posted on the Documents page and should be reviewed carefully:

  • Architectural Control Process
  • Architectural Control Questionnaire