The Big Pole Estates Homeowners Association (HOA) is a non-profit corporation formed for the purpose of benefiting the Big Pole Estates property owners.  All homes are owner-occupied although, in the past, a couple of homes were rented while the properties were for sale. The HOA is only as active as it needs to be.  The HOA meets annually in March but can call special meetings as necessary.

The subdivision is governed by Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and CC&Rs.   The HOA is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors who are also property owners.  The Board assures the CC&Rs are adhered to sufficiently to maintain the overall ambiance of the area. In addition, the Board addresses any other business brought before it as needed.

All property owners in Big Pole Estates are HOA members.  Each lot has one share or vote on matters brought before the HOA at the annual or special meetings.

The HOA dues are $200 per year.  The dues have remained at that level since the subdivision was formed in 2006. At this time, there are no anticipated changes to the dues pending. The dues are allocated to operating expenses, trail maintenance and capital improvements.

The Board of Directors operates the association including managing funds, paying taxes and other invoices, maintaining accounting records, and other activities as needed.  The HOA has an Architectural Review Committee that reviews all proposed building plans from new homes to fences and sheds.  The committee’s charter is to Keep Big Pole Properties in Harmony with the Surroundings.